The Sahara and Sahel Observatory at the 10th GEF Biennial, September 23-26, 2024, Punta del Este (Uruguay)

On the occasion of the GEF International Waters Conference (IWC), which has been held from 23-26 September 2024 at Punta del Este (Uruguay), the OSS in collaboration with UNESCO organized a session on the theme of « Beyond Borders and Beyond Impacts - Rethinking Transboundary Aquifer Management for Increased Benefits ».

The International Waters Conference (IWC) is the key learning and exchange event for projects funded by GEF in the IW focal area. The GEF’s IW focal area has a unique mandate to support transboundary cooperation in shared marine and freshwater ecosystems. It is the world’s largest funding mechanism for multi-country collaboration on freshwater and the ocean. To date, GEF has funded more than 480 International Waters projects, has invested some US$2.8 billion in grants and leveraged approximately US$8.7 billion in co-financing in more than 170 countries globally.

The OSS-UNESCO session was moderated by Mr Mohamedou Baba Sy, Director of the Water Department. The event showcase and discussed localized groundwater issues and solutions, demonstrating their significance for water and food security, ecosystem protection, and sustainable resource management. It also discussed how cooperation frameworks can promote best practices in integrated water management, biodiversity conservation, nexus approach, or climate resilience, while promoting local groundwater-based solutions. The results of the ITTAS project and the prospects for the SMAS project funded by GEF/UNEP were presented by Abdel Kader Dodo, Water Expert – Advisor.

As a conclusion, the session has underscored the critical need to rethink how we approach shared water resources, particularly in the context of transboundary aquifers. We have explored the importance of collaboration across borders, innovative management strategies, and the potential to amplify the socio-economic and environmental benefits of these efforts.

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