
1 - 10 de 10 projets
Project Duration of the project Budget of the project Statut
SMAS 4 years (2024 - 2027) 3,150,000 USD En cours
IREE - MONO 4 years (2024-2028) 5,000,000 USD A venir
IGAD 5 years (2007 - 2013) 6,380,000 € Clôturé
Restore NAW 3 years (2023-2025) 250,000 € En cours
Water stress Initiative 2 years (Nov.2020 - Dec.2022) 150,000 € Clôturé
AGRICAB project 3 years and a half (2011-2015) 126,000 € Clôturé
FLOWERED project 3 years and a half (2016-2019) 2,989,201,25 € Clôturé
NEXUS project 3 years (2016-2019) Clôturé
NB-ITTAS project 7 years (2018-2025) 4,300,000 USD En cours
CREM project 8 years (2014-2022) 5,000,000 € Clôturé