
En cours

Duration of the project

5,5 years (2022-2027)


Adaptation and resilience of communities

Food security

Total budget

11,941,038 USD


Small scale farmers

Rural and local communities

Private sector


Countries concerned

Strengthening resilience as a means of adaptation to drought and climate change in communities in South-West Africa

The border between southern Angola in Cuanda Cubango and northern Namibia in Okavango/Kavango constitute a transboundary corridor that is dominated by the hyper-arid, arid and semi-arid drylands depending on the amount of annual rainfall and temperature. This area faces increasing drought due to increasing temperatures and rainfall variability.

The population in the area suffers from climate change impacts that are prolonged dry spells and drought conditions. These conditions are not about to improve without interventions to build their resilience and adapt to climate change.

With such limitations, small-scale farmers and pastoralists are most vulnerable because of their limited coping mechanisms to climate change. Therefore, deliberate efforts aimed at enhancing their resilience and ecosystems to facilitate their adaptation to such impacts of droughts (and floods) are needed.

The main objective of the project is Enhancing the adaptation capacity and resilience of communities to climate change impacts and variability in the trans-boundary region of Angola and Namibia.

Specific objectives : 

  • Enhancing local, sub-national and regional capacities to adapt and respond to climate change risks in the trans-boundary area of Angola and Namibia,
  • Building the organizational and technical capacity for climate-resilient production and water management,
  • Improving food security in response to climate change impacts amongst rural and vulnerable communities in Cuando Cubango Province and the regions of Kavango East and Kavango West.

Expected results :

  • The awareness and ownership of adaptation and climate risk reduction processes among targeted populations, is strengthened,
  • Capacity building at sub-national, national and regional levels to adapt to climate change risks and variability in the agriculture and water sectors,
  • The community and agricultural organizations for agricultural production and water management, are consolidated,
  • The technical capacities of smallholder farmers and technical staff to adopt and integrate climate-resilient agricultural practices, are promoted, 
  • The resilience of populations and ecosystems is improved through concrete adaptation measures,
  • The resilience of people's livelihoods is strengthened through income-generating activities (IGA).


Financial partners
  • Adaptation Fund - AF
Technical partners
  • Development Aid from People to People - DAPP Namibia

Approval date

July 2021

Launch date

March 2022

Key Achievements
  • Establishment of a baseline study, including a capacity needs assessment and a survey on knowledge, attitudes, and practices, along with the definition of criteria for selecting beneficiaries.
  • Training identified and conducted for 130 producer organizations (POs) and water user associations (WUAs).
  • Creation of 130 model plots, each with an average size of one hectare, serving as testing grounds for various agricultural techniques and practices.
  • Provision of essential tools to support agricultural practices and capacity-building initiatives focused on climate-smart agriculture techniques.
  • Approval and establishment of five climate change action centers to support resilience efforts.
  • Development and implementation of a communication strategy, accompanied by the launch of a dedicated project website to facilitate the dissemination of good practices to local communities and stakeholders.
  • Design and establishment of a rigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanism to track progress and outcomes effectively.