Readiness Tunisia



Duration of the project

2017 - 2021


Climate Finance

Total budget

630,000 USD



Technical services & national institutions working on the mobilization of climate resources.

Countries concerned

Preparation of Tunisia for Climate Finance and establishment of the National Designated Authority - Readiness program of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) | Readiness Tunisia

The project aims to establish a National Designated Authority (NDA) and strengthen its institutional capacity to effectively fulfill its role and responsibilities towards the GCF. It will facilitate the development, through a participatory process, of a national program to address the adverse impacts of climate change, which will take into account national priorities for adaptation and mitigation, as well as the GCF requirements.

Phase 2 of the project will focus on building the capacities of the NDA and key national stakeholders (Institutions, Ministries, Agencies, etc.) on procedures and the development of projects or investment programs for the GCF.

Financial partners
  • Green Climate Fund - GCF
Technical partners
  • Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment - Tunisia

Approval date

Phase 1 :  January 2016
Phase 2 :  May 2019

Information and awareness-raising workshops on Climate Finance

July 17 to August 7, 2018

Key Achievements
  • Two trainings conducted for the GCF National Focal Point and potential members (25) of the NDA
  • A guide to the GCF Fund in French dedicated to the relevant national stakeholders 
  • A communication strategy with its action plan
  • A Non-Objection mechanism to support the NDA or GCF National Focal Point in validating project requests to be submitted to the Fund
  • A consultation meeting and awareness-raising of the national entities that ask for GCF accreditation
  • An awareness meeting for a dozen journalists, on the issues of "Climate Finance" and the Green Climate Fund