
 EURECCCA project closing ceremony. June 6, 2023 in Kampala

EURECCCA project closing ceremony. June 6, 2023 in Kampala

''Climate Change affects not…

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 The Niger component of the AdaptWAP project raises the awareness of decision-makers on the climate change challenges at national level

The Niger component of the AdaptWAP project raises the awareness of decision-makers on the climate change challenges at national level

The AdaptWAP project organized, in Bangoula,…

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 Ecosystem Accounting of Natural Capital: A step towards preserving our continent and its natural wealth

Ecosystem Accounting of Natural Capital: A step towards preserving our continent and its natural wealth

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 Fourth session of the AdaptWAP Project Steering Committee, Ouagadougou, May 23, 2023

Fourth session of the AdaptWAP Project Steering Committee, Ouagadougou, May 23, 2023

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory organized, in…

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 Management of major risks in the WAP complex: the AdaptWAP project supports the establishment of a Multi-risk Early Warning System to protect local populations, Ougadougou, May 24, 2023

Management of major risks in the WAP complex: the AdaptWAP project supports the establishment of a Multi-risk Early Warning System to protect local populations, Ougadougou, May 24, 2023

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory organized, on…

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 Training and capacity building of the Libyan National Designated Authority on climate change & climate finance, May 9th-10th, 2023, Tripoli

Training and capacity building of the Libyan National Designated Authority on climate change & climate finance, May 9th-10th, 2023, Tripoli

The projected increase in temperatures in…

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 Copernicea "National training workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting" May 08 - 12, 2023, Niamey - Niger

Copernicea "National training workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting" May 08 - 12, 2023, Niamey - Niger

Copernicea "National training workshop on…

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 Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on Earth Observation for Land Degradation (LD) Monitoring March 27-29, 2023, Rabat-Morocco.

Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on Earth Observation for Land Degradation (LD) Monitoring March 27-29, 2023, Rabat-Morocco.

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 The BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/MONO project document development process regional consultation workshop

The BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/MONO project document development process regional consultation workshop

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory, with the…

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 W-Niger park : The AdaptWAP project keeps building the degraded land restoration capacities of the local populations

W-Niger park : The AdaptWAP project keeps building the degraded land restoration capacities of the local populations

Thanks to the knowledge acquired during the…

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 The OSS conducts the first supervision mission for the ADSWAC project, Leg1: Angola, March 2023

The OSS conducts the first supervision mission for the ADSWAC project, Leg1: Angola, March 2023

The border between southern Angola in Cuando…

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