
 GMES&Africa | First meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts

GMES&Africa | First meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts

GMES&Africa | The OSS/North Africa…

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 Closing workshop of the “Regional Cooperation for a Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Maghreb – CREM” project / BGR module, Tunis, June 14-16, 2022.

Closing workshop of the “Regional Cooperation for a Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Maghreb – CREM” project / BGR module, Tunis, June 14-16, 2022.

The Sahara and…

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 The OSS on the 2nd supervision mission of the AdaptWAP project, June 2022

The OSS on the 2nd supervision mission of the AdaptWAP project, June 2022

As part of the “…

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 Burkina Faso hosts the 1st leg of the 2nd AdaptWAP Supervision Mission organized by OSS, 14-16 June 2022

Burkina Faso hosts the 1st leg of the 2nd AdaptWAP Supervision Mission organized by OSS, 14-16 June 2022

An OSS delegation, led by Mrs. Khaoula JAOUI,…

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 Continental workshop on Natural resources and water - June 13-15, 2022, Lusaka, Zambia

Continental workshop on Natural resources and water - June 13-15, 2022, Lusaka, Zambia

Leader of the OSS-North Africa Consortium…

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 The AdaptWAP project provides equipment to women fishmongers living at the edge of the W Niger Regional Park, Niger, June 1 - 3, 2022

The AdaptWAP project provides equipment to women fishmongers living at the edge of the W Niger Regional Park, Niger, June 1 - 3, 2022

The national…

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 The OSS/North Africa Consortium takes part in the GMES&Africa - Continental Workshop on Natural Resources and Water, June 13-15, 2022, Lusaka, Zambia

The OSS/North Africa Consortium takes part in the GMES&Africa - Continental Workshop on Natural Resources and Water, June 13-15, 2022, Lusaka, Zambia

Leader of the OSS-…

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 Launching workshop of the GMES&Africa project second phase - OSS/North Africa Consortium, May 30-31, 2022

Launching workshop of the GMES&Africa project second phase - OSS/North Africa Consortium, May 30-31, 2022

Organized by the…

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 5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 3 : Aswa Catchment

5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 3 : Aswa Catchment

OSS completes the…

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 NWSAS CONSULTATION MECHANISM - National Information Workshop on the North Western Sahara Aquifer System  Tunis, May 31, 2022

NWSAS CONSULTATION MECHANISM - National Information Workshop on the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Tunis, May 31, 2022

As part of its stakeholder information and…

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 5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 2 : Awoja Catchment

5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 2 : Awoja Catchment

OSS is conducting the fifth supervision…

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 5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 1 : Maziba Catchment

5th Supervision mission EURECCCA project-Leg 1 : Maziba Catchment

In the framework of the Enhancing Resilience…

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