
 Hackathon on crop mapping in North Africa: Cross fertilization between GMES&Africa and Digital Earth Africa, September 20 - 22, 2023

Hackathon on crop mapping in North Africa: Cross fertilization between GMES&Africa and Digital Earth Africa, September 20 - 22, 2023

This hackathon is the outcome of a fruitful…

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 Atelier régional GMES Afrique du Nord à Nouakchott, du 20 au 22 septembre 2023

Atelier régional GMES Afrique du Nord à Nouakchott, du 20 au 22 septembre 2023

« Opportunités et défis liés à l’utilisation…

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 Advancing Libya's Readiness for Phase 2 of the Green Climate Fund

Advancing Libya's Readiness for Phase 2 of the Green Climate Fund

As part of the Readiness-Libya II project, the…

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 Closing of the GMES&Africa national workshop in Mauritania

Closing of the GMES&Africa national workshop in Mauritania

The national workshop of the GMES&Africa…

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 The 25th session of the OSS Strategic Orientation Committee (SOC), in Tunis, September 12, 2023.

The 25th session of the OSS Strategic Orientation Committee (SOC), in Tunis, September 12, 2023.

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 The Burkina Faso Component of the AdaptWAP Project: Commitment to Environmental Preservation and Local Ecosystem Enhancement

The Burkina Faso Component of the AdaptWAP Project: Commitment to Environmental Preservation and Local Ecosystem Enhancement

From August 2nd to 4th, 2023, in Fada, located…

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 Burkina Faso: Producers in the Fada Region Benefit from Training in Reforestation and Assisted Natural Regeneration 

Burkina Faso: Producers in the Fada Region Benefit from Training in Reforestation and Assisted Natural Regeneration 

The Burkina Faso component of the AdaptWAP…

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 Climate Finance Access in Libya: OSS Promotes Coordination and Capacity Building for Stakeholders

Climate Finance Access in Libya: OSS Promotes Coordination and Capacity Building for Stakeholders

As part of the Readiness-Libya II project, the…

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 ITTAS Project : training workshop on remote sensing and GIS to monitor Groundwater resources

ITTAS Project : training workshop on remote sensing and GIS to monitor Groundwater resources

How to improve the management of groundwater…

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 The AdaptWAP project - Benin component: significant progress for climate change adaptation in the W and Arly parks

The AdaptWAP project - Benin component: significant progress for climate change adaptation in the W and Arly parks

A Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS)…

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 Regional workshop for stakeholder engagement and sharing of good practices on ENCA. Rabat, from July 3 to 6, 2023

Regional workshop for stakeholder engagement and sharing of good practices on ENCA. Rabat, from July 3 to 6, 2023

The regional workshop for…

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 Readiness-Libya II | Training and capacity building workshop for the National Designated Authority (NDA) of Libya in the field of climate change and climate finance

Readiness-Libya II | Training and capacity building workshop for the National Designated Authority (NDA) of Libya in the field of climate change and climate finance

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