Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, OSS Executive Secretary took part in the ministerial meeting organized jointly by the Africa II Office of the World Bank Group, the Permanent Interstate Committee for the Fight against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS) and the International Alliance for Drought Resilience (IDRA), held on December 4, 2023 at the CILSS Pavilion, Blue zone TA2-205
During this meeting on “Land Restoration and Resilience to Drought in the Sahel”, he emphasized the importance of financial resources to reverse degradation trends and achieve Land Degradation Neutrality objectives while taking advantage of all available possibilities and maintaining an overall vision and medium- and long-term strategies to be implemented through programs and projects adapted to the realities and taking into account the needs of local communities.
The OSS observation works demonstrated that positive impacts have been recorded in regions that have benefited from significant funding.
The main goal of this meeting is to help catalyze climate action, mainly through land restoration and drought resilience. It aims to build on the achievements of the African Climate Summit, addressing land management, drought resilience and climate adaptation. It will also involve setting up a high-level collaboration platform between ministers, experts and all stakeholders.