As part of the “Integration of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Consolidated Management of the Transboundary WAP | AdaptWAP Complex” project, shared by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger, the OSS, implementation entity, is conducting the 2nd supervision mission, led by Mrs. Khaoula JAOUI, Climate Department Coordinator.
The project is funded by the Adaptation Fund (AF) and aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and improve the livelihoods of the WAP Complex populations in a climate change context through the establishment of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System (MR-EWS), and the implementation of real adaptation measures.
The supervision mission starts in Burkina Faso, continues in Benin, and ends in Niger.
It should lead to the following results:
- Summary of the project progress;
- Monitoring-Evaluation (achievements/deliverables progress);
- Sharing and discussion of the 3rd year of the project plan of action;
- Procurement processes
Here follow the main achievements of the project so far: i) the institutional framework is strengthened through the adopted Climate Change Adaptation Plan of the trans-boundary W-Arly-Pendjari (CCAP - WAP) complex, ii) a revolving fund mechanism for diversified income-generating activities is developed and iii) holding a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the States Parties is supported with the aim of authorizing the creation of the WAP Complex Executive Secretariat.