The Burkina Faso component of the AdaptWAP project recently organized a series of training sessions focused on reforestation techniques and assisted natural regeneration.
These sessions took place in the Fada region within the Eastern Region, with the goal of promoting sustainable practices among villages neighboring the W and Arly parks. Initial exchanges with involved associations (Communication for Sustainable Development - CODD and Regard Nature Biodiversity Association - ARNB-E) clarified documentation requirements and highlighted the significance of timelines.
In total, sixteen training sessions were conducted across eight communities, with two sessions per community. In CODD's intervention zones, 253 producers, including 98 women, received training, while 425 producers, including 96 women, participated in sessions in areas overseen by ARNB-E.
Delivered in the local language by local trainers, these sessions alternated between theoretical and practical training, addressing optimal reforestation methods suited for species and soils, as well as assisted natural regeneration maintenance. Monitoring these activities deepened understanding of local challenges and underscored producers' enthusiasm to leverage the benefits of the AdaptWAP project.
Participants expressed satisfaction, anticipating the tangible application of their newly acquired reforestation and natural regeneration skills.
Due to contextual challenges, some communities were not included in the mission. However, local facilitators were engaged to share the content of training sessions on reforestation and assisted natural regeneration.