The AdaptWAP project organized, in Bangoula, two thematic awareness days for decision-makers in the cities of Tillabéry and Dosso, located in the vicinity of the W regional park.
The overall objective of this awareness session is to achieve a paradigm shift in planning, sustainable land management (SLM) and especially adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change in the W-Niger Park area.
The aim is to help decision-makers better understand climate change and the key role they can play at the collective and individual level for SLM, the effective management of natural disasters and adaptation to climate change. In addition, decision-makers will have their capacity built to support local populations in the implementation of real adaptation actions and the establishment of the Multi-Risk Early Warning System (MR-EWS) in the WAP complex and in the W-Niger component in particular.
The "Integration of climate change adaptation measures in the coordinated management of the W-Arly-Pendjari trans-boundary Complex (AdaptWAP) project", is financed by the Adaptation Fund and implemented and executed at the regional level by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS). Its main objective is to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and improve the livelihoods of populations around the network of protected areas shared by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger, the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex (WAP) in connection with climate change through the establishment of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System (MR-EWS) and the implementation of real adaptation measures.