Awareness workshop on the use of the GMES&Africa tools, Tunis, February 14, 2024
A stakeholder awareness workshop on the use of the GMES&Africa project tools and services was convened by the General Directorate of Water Resources (DGRE), in collaboration with the National Centre for Mapping and Remote Sensing (CNCT) and the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS).
The meeting was held on February 14, 2024 at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries (MARHP) of Tunisia and brought together Technical Officials from the central departments of the Ministry, the Regional Commissioners for Agricultural Development (CRDAs) and Ministry-affiliated Research Centres (INAT, INRGREF, etc.).
Discussions focused on how to value the project's achievements and promote the tools and services in response to the needs of the beneficiaries at the national level, and on capacity building. H.E. Mr. Abdelmonem Belaâti, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries and Mr. Ridha Gabouj, the Secretary of State showed appreciation for this initiative and called upon the CRDAs and the main stakeholders of the Ministry to optimize the use of these tools.
The CNCT, national leader of GMES&Africa in Tunisia, played a key role in mobilizing and involving the stakeholders and in promoting the use of Earth Observation data in monitoring agricultural campaigns and the sustainable management of water and natural resources.
The meeting took end with the elaboration of a roadmap with a view to building the capacities of Technical Officials in using the MISLAND, MISBAR and GUETCROP platforms.