Benin hosted the first stage of the NB-ITTAS project supervision mission, organized by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), from December 16 to 19, 2024. This mission marks a key stage in the implementation of this project financed by a grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for a period of seven years (2018-2025).
The OSS delegation, comprising Ms. Apolline Bambara, Project Management Manager in the Water Department, and Ms. Lilia Benzid, Communications Expert, was received successively by Mr. Agnidé Emmanuel Lawin, Cabinet Director of the Benin Minister of Energy, Water and Mines, Mr. Kanon Adjo, Secretary General of the Ministry, Mr. Anassi Dambaro,Deputy Secretary General and Mr. Said K. Hounkponou, Director General of Water.
The talks provided an opportunity to present OSS and its field of activity, as well as the Ministry's main missions. The outlines of the mission were then presented.
The OSS team worked in close collaboration with the project's national coordinator, the Direction Générale de l'Eau of the Ministry of Energy, Water and Mines. This team is headed by Mr. Anassi Dambaro, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry and National Project Coordinator.
After a preparatory meeting with the head of the national focal structure, followed by a scoping session to define the priorities for this first stage of supervision, work focused on verifying achievements against the defined objectives, as well as a review of budgets, expenditure and financial commitments. These steps confirmed that the project is progressing in line with expectations and available resources. Preparations have also begun for the field visit, essential for observing the impact of the interventions and gathering feedback from beneficiaries.
This event will provide an opportunity to coordinate efforts between local stakeholders and develop recommendations to ensure the smooth running of planned activities. This stopover in Benin will also provide an opportunity to strengthen dialogue on the sustainable management of water resources, in a context increasingly marked by the effects of climate change.
The supervision mission will continue in Burkina Faso, where the OSS delegation will be present until December 26, 2024. This second stage will consolidate the achievements and pursue the actions undertaken as part of the NB-ITTAS project.