In anticipation of implementing the Multi-Risk Early Warning System (SAP-MR - floods, droughts, vegetation fires, and human-wildlife conflicts) for the WAP Complex initiated by the AdaptWAP project, the national project management units of the three countries involved (Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger), along with the Regional Center AGRHYMET (CRA), have received the servers that will host the platform.
The establishment process of the SAP-MR for the WAP Complex spanned over a year, incorporating a participatory approach. National structures specialized in disaster management closely collaborated with the Regional Management Unit (UGPr) at the OSS, the Regional Agrhymet Center, and a consortium of consulting firms recruited for this mission. An official ceremony is scheduled to inform decision-makers and stakeholders about the SAP and the resilience opportunities it offers. This launch ceremony will take place during the 5th steering committee meeting of the project, organized by the UGPr in collaboration with the AdaptWAP project management unit in Benin, to facilitate its operationalization.
The SAP-MR for the WAP Complex is a community-driven, dynamic, and inclusive system designed to protect vulnerable communities from various climate hazards, such as droughts, floods, and vegetation fires. The involvement of communities residing in the WAP Complex is crucial for disseminating alerts through local channels, executing appropriate responses, and providing assistance to victims.