The capital of Benin, Cotonou, hosts from March 18 to 23, 2024, the regional workshop for the validation of the prototype of the Multi-Risk Early Warning System (SAP-MR - floods, droughts, vegetation fires, and human-wildlife conflicts) of the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) complex, followed by a capacity building session for the management units of this system.
Organized jointly by the OSS and the consortium of consulting firms BRLi, this event brings together representatives from national meteorological agencies, water resources directorates, civil protection agencies, and ministries responsible for the environment from the three countries involved, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
The workshop was inaugurated by Mrs. Ndèye Fatou MAR, Director of the Land Department at the Sahara and Sahel Observatory - OSS, Mr. Abdel Aziz BABA MOUSSA, Director General of the National Center for Wildlife Reserve Management - CENAGREF, and Mr. Benoit DOAMBA, Director General of the National Office for Protected Areas - OFINAP. The three speakers emphasized the importance of the participatory approach and institutional collaboration that greatly contributed to the success of this SAP-MR. They highlighted that this event marks a crucial step in the collective commitment of the three countries to enhance security and resilience in the face of climate change.
It was also noted that thanks to the active collaboration of national meteorological agencies, water resources directorates, civil protection agencies, and ministries of environment from the three countries involved, the AdaptWAP project has succeeded in establishing a robust system meeting regional needs.