In the framework of “Strengthen Drought Resilience of Small Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region – DRESSEA” project the Sahara and Sahel Observatory organized the 3rd supervision mission in Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda. The OSS delegation comprised of Mr. Steve MUHANJI, Mr. Robert ONYANGO, Mr. Youssef KRAIEM and Mr. Haithem REJEB started the mission in Djibouti from November 12th to 15th, 2023 by a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fishery and Livestock in Charge of Marine Resources ,where they met with the Secretary General, Mr. Ibrahim Elmi MOHAMED, Director of General Administration, Mr. Ali Mahamoud Del WAIS, the Project Coordinator Eng. Mouktar MOHAMMED and the other Project Management Unit members at the ministry premises.
A SWOT analysis of the project was undertaken against the perceived and actual achievements as well as highlighting the different challenges and barriers experienced during the project execution.
The Secretary General, Mr. Elmi MOHAMED keenly pledged his interest in driving the project forward and ensured the full support of the Ministries for the proposed intervention achievements.
The delegation also took the mission as an opportunity to visit the project sites namely “Behidley” in order to verify and assess concrete actions undertaken on the ground such as the rehabilitation of water points and construction of water storage facilities. The delegation also engaged with the beneficiary communities to understand their knowledge attitude and perception of DRESSEA.
As a closure to the field visits, the delegation interacted with the administrator of “Holl Holl”, Mr. Moustapha HASSEN where the expected next steps with the project activities were discussed as well as the ongoing construction and installation of the automated weather station site.