
 The 5th DA22 International Summit Montpellier, October 5 - 8, 2022

The 5th DA22 International Summit Montpellier, October 5 - 8, 2022

The 5th DA22 International Summit, last stage of the DA22 dynamic, is…

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 Remote sensing and spatial data for a better management of the NWSAS groundwater resources

Remote sensing and spatial data for a better management of the NWSAS groundwater resources

The Coordination Unit of the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Consultation…

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 AMCOW Technical Consultation Meeting for North Africa,  Nouakchott, September 14-15, 2022

AMCOW Technical Consultation Meeting for North Africa,  Nouakchott, September 14-15, 2022

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory and the Coordination Unit of the North Western…

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 Sustainable management of natural capital in Africa, a key to safeguarding ecosystems

Sustainable management of natural capital in Africa, a key to safeguarding ecosystems

A discussion panel on « Natural capital accounting for ecosystem restoration in…

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 The OSS at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)

The OSS at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)

Before the start of the 8th edition of TICAD (Tokyo…

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 Cotonou hosts the 2022 session of the Regional Steering Committee for projects and programs of the Niger Basin Authority, August 29-31, 2022

Cotonou hosts the 2022 session of the Regional Steering Committee for projects and programs of the Niger Basin Authority, August 29-31, 2022

Mr. Joël TOSSOU, Water Expert and Project Manager, represented the Sahara and…

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 New prospects for improving knowledge and strengthening the resilience of the Tunisian-Libyan Djeffara

New prospects for improving knowledge and strengthening the resilience of the Tunisian-Libyan Djeffara

The Tunisian-Libyan Djeffara plain that extends over an approximately 10,000 km2…

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 Launch of the publication “West African Land Cover Reference System (WALCRS)” - Rome, 26 July 2022

Launch of the publication “West African Land Cover Reference System (WALCRS)” - Rome, 26 July 2022

It is well-known that land degradation not only results in reduced food…

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 Desertif’actions (D’A) launches the 4th international press cartoon contest. Deadline for submitting the applications is August 20, 2022.

Desertif’actions (D’A) launches the 4th international press cartoon contest. Deadline for submitting the applications is August 20, 2022.

The Desertif'actions (D'A) international summit to be held in Montpellier (France…

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 AFD 30th anniversary

AFD 30th anniversary

The French Development Agency (AFD) organized on June 28, 2022, at la Cité des…

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 The OSS experience : a reference for the establishment of a mechanism for the joint management of water resources in the Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin, July 1, 2022, Tallinn, Estonia

The OSS experience : a reference for the establishment of a mechanism for the joint management of water resources in the Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin, July 1, 2022, Tallinn, Estonia

The Senegalo-Mauritanian aquifer basin (BASM) shared by Gambia, Guinea Bissau,…

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 OSS proceeds with the second AdaptWAP supervision mission, June 2022   SeIpcond step: Benin

OSS proceeds with the second AdaptWAP supervision mission, June 2022 SeIpcond step: Benin

OSS proceeds with the second AdaptWAP supervision mission, June 2022

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