Readiness Libya



Duration of the project

Phase 1:18 months (2018-2019) Phase 2: (2023 - 2025)


Climate Finance

Total budget

Phase 1:300,000 USD Phase 2: 765,000 USD


Ministries in charge of the Environment, Agriculture, Energy

National technical structures and institutions related to climate resource mobilization

Private sector

Civil society and NGOs

Countries concerned

Preparation of Libya for Climate Finance and establishment of the National Designated Authority & Building the institutional, human
and technical capacities of the Libyan climate finance system - Readiness program of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) | Readiness Libya 1 & 2

The first phase of the Readiness program of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) | Readiness Libya entitled "Preparation of Libya for Climate Finance and establishment of the National Designated National - project aims to strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of the Libyan entities responsible for Climate Finance for access to sources of funding, in particular from the GCF, through practical actions including the creation of a National Designated Authority (NDA).

The second phase of the Readiness program of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) | Readiness Libya entitled "Building the institutional, human and technical capacities of the Libyan climate finance system" aims to build the capacities of the Libyan National Designated Authority (NDA) by providing it with a permanent secretariat and improving the coordination mechanism as well as the non-objection procedures. It will also help develop proposals for initiatives and build the capacities of national entities in line with the Green Climate Fund accreditation requirements.

Financial partners
  • Green Climate Fund - GCF
Technical partners

Approval date

Phase 1: January 2018

Phase 2: 2023

Closing Date

December 31, 2019

Key Achievements
  • Establishment of the National Designated Authority (NDA)
  • Organization of training and capacity building sessions for the NDA and focal points with the aim of having the NDA members acquainted with transparency tools such as greenhouse gas inventories, national communication, biennial transparency report, MRV systems, NDCs and low carbon strategies
  • Development of a non-objection mechanism;
  • Development of a platform for exchanging and sharing information on the NDA and GCF activities;
  • Development of a gender study;
  • Establishment of an Ad-hoc committee responsible for periodically approving the new GCF guidelines on climate finance;
  • Development of a communication strategy and an action plan;
  • Elaboration of a Memorandum of Understanding between national partners for the mobilization of Climate-dedicated financial resources;
  • Identification of the main national stakeholders involved in the mobilization of climate-dedicated financial resources;
  • Identification of the national institutions that will enter the GCF accreditation process and the creation of a partnership between the NDA, the accredited entities and the other national project leaders;
  • Development of guidelines/recommendations for better involvement of the private sector in climate finance;
  • Design and release of awareness-raising and communication media on climate change and climate finance (film, poster, etc.);
  • Design and edition of didactic materials: guidebook on accessing Climate Finance-GCF (Arabic and English), supported by a summary paper.