A mission from OSS, represented by Mr. Ghazi Gader – Project and Program Coordinator, chief of Mission; Mr. Steve Muhanji – Project and Program Coordinator; Mr. Médard Ouinakonhan – Project Management Officer; and Ms. Safa Arfaoui – Project Assistant, is currently in Djibouti for the fourth supervision mission of the DRESSEA project, taking place from November 16 to 23, 2024.
As part of the mission, the team has undertaken various activities, starting with an assessment of the progress of project activities in the country. This was complemented by field visits to the Behidleh and Gobaad sites, located in two of the project’s intervention regions, enabling the mission to observe tangible achievements in climate change adaptation.
These achievements include water and soil conservation structures, water storage infrastructures, water distribution networks, automatic weather stations, and the distribution of short-cycle livestock to beneficiary households. The team was able to evaluate the activities and appreciate the progress made.
The mission also met with local beneficiary communities, including members of cooperatives and mutual organizations recently created with the project’s support. These groups are expected to benefit from income-generating activities (IGAs) through microcredit schemes aimed at improving livelihoods and preparing communities to be more resilient to climate change. These community organizations, notably led by women (with at least 80% female membership), serve as a significant indicator of gender inclusion and successful engagement in implementing the activities. The mission also held discussions with local administration representatives from the project site areas.
Additionally, the mission organized working sessions with the project management unit to review and assess the technical, financial, and administrative aspects of the project. Various challenges were discussed, and concrete recommendations, as well as corrective measures, were proposed to enhance project management performance. A plan was developed for completing outstanding activities during the no-cost extension period granted to the project. Guidance was provided to finalize all activities within the set timeframe to achieve the initially established objectives.
Finally, the mission engaged with the project’s implementing partners, notably the Ministry of Women and Family, which has supported the project management unit in establishing cooperatives and mutual savings groups in collaboration with the Caisse Populaire d’Epargne et de Crédit (CPEC), a microfinance institution. The mission also met with CPEC to explore a partnership for managing the microcredit schemes planned under the project to fund IGAs.