Consortium OSS-North Africa - Regional workshop on “EO for sustainable development : bridging the gap between science, technology and policy” June 27-29, 2024, Tunis

The third GMES North Africa regional workshop kicks-off this morning in Tunis.

Organized under the theme “Earth Observation for Sustainable Development : Bridging the Gap between Science, Technology and Policy”, this workshop aims to review the achievements of the Consortium, mobilize North African stakeholders and have them involved in the use and uptake of Earth Observation products and services in support of informed decision-making. 

The opening of the workshop was marked by the speeches of Mr. Hamdi Kacem, Head of the GMES technical assistance team and Representative of the AUC, Dr. El Hadi Gashut, Director General of CRTEAN, Prof. Anas Emran, Director General of Craste-LF, Mr. Sinan Bacha, Director at CNCT, and Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory.
Together with their partners – decision-makers, agricultural technicians, natural resources managers, teacher-researchers, students and representatives of the private sector – the OSS-North Africa Consortium members will identify the main challenges, make an assessment of the opportunities and propose solutions likely to bridge the gap between science, technology and policy. Furthermore, they will seek to make African institutions and end-users better understand EO-based applications and services and fully adopt them.