
 The Sahara and Sahel Observatory pays a courtesy visit to the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Tunis

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory pays a courtesy visit to the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Tunis

Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the OSS, and Mr. Abdel Kader Dodo,…

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 Joint management of surface and groundwater in a climate change context: the OSS experience at the service of Africa

Joint management of surface and groundwater in a climate change context: the OSS experience at the service of Africa

The OSS Executive Secretary, Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, takes part in the 3rd…

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 2nd meeting of the council of ministers in charge of managing the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) complex, Cotonou, June 22, 2023

2nd meeting of the council of ministers in charge of managing the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) complex, Cotonou, June 22, 2023

An OSS delegation participated in the 2nd meeting of the Council of Ministers of…

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 Collaboration between the Sahara and Sahel Observatory and the Nile Basin Initiative

Collaboration between the Sahara and Sahel Observatory and the Nile Basin Initiative

In conjunction with the closure of the EURECCCA project, an OSS delegation led by…

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 29th session of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory Executive Board June 7, 2023, Kampala, Uganda

29th session of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory Executive Board June 7, 2023, Kampala, Uganda

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory concluded on June 7, 2023 in Kampala, Uganda the…

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 Towards joint planning and management of transboundary water resources in Africa 

Towards joint planning and management of transboundary water resources in Africa 

OSS, represented by the coordinator of the Water Department, took part in a high-…

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 The Bottom-up approach at the heart of the BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/MONO project development completion process

The Bottom-up approach at the heart of the BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/MONO project development completion process

In partnership with the Adaptation Fund and in collaboration with the regional…

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 Regional training workshop on the protection of the NWSAS deep water boreholes, Gabès, March 9-10, 2023

Regional training workshop on the protection of the NWSAS deep water boreholes, Gabès, March 9-10, 2023

The Coordination Unit of the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Consultation…

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 L’OSS a pris part à la concertation régionale Ouest-africaine organisée par le Centre de Gestion des Ressources en Eau (CGRE) de la CEDEAO, du 13 au 15 mars à Lomé (Togo).

L’OSS a pris part à la concertation régionale Ouest-africaine organisée par le Centre de Gestion des Ressources en Eau (CGRE) de la CEDEAO, du 13 au 15 mars à Lomé (Togo).

Cette rencontre a constitué la dernière étape avant la Conférence des Nations…

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 Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory on a working visit to Libya

Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory on a working visit to Libya

Mr. Nabil…

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 Network of experts for monitoring land degradation in Africa.

Network of experts for monitoring land degradation in Africa.

The network of experts for monitoring land degradation in Africa has just been…

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 The OSS and the RCMRD enter into a Partnership Agreement. Nairobi, February 28, 2023

The OSS and the RCMRD enter into a Partnership Agreement. Nairobi, February 28, 2023

he OSS and the RCMRD enter into a Partnership Agreement. Nairobi, February 28,…

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