
 Panel 1 - Une infinité de contextes et un problème omniprésent, quel est l’état des lieux de la dégradation des terres en Afrique ?

Panel 1 - Une infinité de contextes et un problème omniprésent, quel est l’état des lieux de la dégradation des terres en Afrique ?

Les travaux de la première journée de la…

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 Table ronde de haut niveau | Les politiques publiques au service de la restauration des terres en Afrique

Table ronde de haut niveau | Les politiques publiques au service de la restauration des terres en Afrique

La table ronde de haut niveau ayant pour thème…

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 Readiness Libya II - Workshop on Enhancing Private Sector Access to Climate Finance and Sustainable Development in Libya, Tripoli, May 26 - 27th , 2024

Readiness Libya II - Workshop on Enhancing Private Sector Access to Climate Finance and Sustainable Development in Libya, Tripoli, May 26 - 27th , 2024

As part of the Readiness-Libya II project, the…

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 Copernicea, 2nd national workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting, May 14th-16th, 2024, Rabat, Morocco

Copernicea, 2nd national workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting, May 14th-16th, 2024, Rabat, Morocco

As part of the Copernicea project, the…

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 OSS at the 26th SBSTTA meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Nairobi, 13 - 18 May 2024

OSS at the 26th SBSTTA meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Nairobi, 13 - 18 May 2024

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 Official ceremony for the launch of the Multi-Risk Early Warning System of the WAP complex, May 7, 2024, Cotonou, Benin

Official ceremony for the launch of the Multi-Risk Early Warning System of the WAP complex, May 7, 2024, Cotonou, Benin

The official ceremony for the launch of the…

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 The Minister of Living Environment and Transport of Benin receives a delegation from the Sahara and Sahel Observatory

The Minister of Living Environment and Transport of Benin receives a delegation from the Sahara and Sahel Observatory

His Excellency Mr. Jose Didier TONATO,…

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 AdaptWAP Project: Significant Progress in Establishing the Multi-Risk Early Warning System (SAP-MR) for the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex

AdaptWAP Project: Significant Progress in Establishing the Multi-Risk Early Warning System (SAP-MR) for the W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex

In anticipation of implementing the Multi-Risk…

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 Strengthening Transboundary Groundwater Management: The Iullemeden-Taoudéni/Tanezrouft Aquifer System adheres to the TDA/SAP process

Strengthening Transboundary Groundwater Management: The Iullemeden-Taoudéni/Tanezrouft Aquifer System adheres to the TDA/SAP process

The fourth session of the Steering Committee…

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 Echanges à Nouakchott pour la finalisation du document du projet PRAGOA, 23 avril 2024

Echanges à Nouakchott pour la finalisation du document du projet PRAGOA, 23 avril 2024

Ouverture ce matin à Nouakchott de l’atelier…

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 The ITTAS project organizes a follow-up meeting for the demonstration pilot of Dhar de Nema at the National Water Resources Center (CNRE), Nouakchott, April 22, 2024

The ITTAS project organizes a follow-up meeting for the demonstration pilot of Dhar de Nema at the National Water Resources Center (CNRE), Nouakchott, April 22, 2024

In the framework of the "Improving IWRM,…

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 The regional training of trainers’ workshop on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Climate-Resilient Rice Production (CRRP) took end in Grand-Lahou on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

The regional training of trainers’ workshop on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Climate-Resilient Rice Production (CRRP) took end in Grand-Lahou on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

The regional training of trainers’ workshop on…

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