Libya ranks among the most vulnerable countries in North Africa to climate change which poses a significant threat to the country’s economic development and sustainability. Climate variability is likely to increase the impacts of natural hazards on agriculture production. Besides, the country is 95% desert and only 2% of national territory receives enough rainfall for agriculture.
In this framework, Libya has received support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through a grant agreement to prepare for access to climate funds and establish the National Designated Authority through the preparatory support project to Libya.
The needs were raised by stakeholders and high-level authorities during consultations conducted during the implementation of the project first phase. This provided the rationale for the development of a new readiness proposal. In this context, the GCF has further supported a second phase of the "Readiness Support project - Libya phase II". This support will continue to build capacity and improve engagement of relevant stakeholders to meet the country's needs.
In its role as GCF-accredited Implementing Entity, responsible for the supervision of the project, the OSS held an activity workshop for the READINESS-LIBYA-II project in Tunis on 1st and 2nd March 2023. The workshop aims at establishing recommendations and prioritizing the tasks necessary for the implementation of the project activities.
The workshop will ensure consensus and mutual understanding of the responsibilities and roles of the different stakeholders, identify and prioritize tasks related to the activities of the current period, their management and corrective actions, agree on the next steps and plan actions to accelerate the implementation of activities, make contract decisions and approve action plans for the project implementation, and verify activity 1 implementation plans.
On the OSS side, the workshop was attended by Mrs. Khaoula JAOUI, Climate Department Coordinator, as well as Mr. Nabil HAMADA, Administrative and Financial Department Coordinator, Mr. Ghazi GADER, Senior Project Coordinator, Mr. Aymen KHALDI, Project Manager, and Mrs. Souha BEN MEHREZ, Project Assistant.
In the partner’s side were present Mr. Mustapha ABDULHADI, GCF Focal point in Libya, Mr. Rafik MISSAOUI, Coordination mechanism and capacity building Expert, Mr. Omar SHERIF, technical assistant of the project and Mr. Mohamed Abdelgader MATOUG, IT assistant of the project.