This meeting was chaired by the Director General of the National Centre for the Management of Wildlife Reserves (CENAGREF) and aimed to validate the survey on the location of transhumance corridors, water points, grazing areas and sites to be reforested. This survey was carried out under the AdaptWAP regional project, financed by the Adaptation Fund and implemented by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory.
The project stakeholders, representatives from the Kérou, Kouandé, Matéri, Cobli and Tanguiéta towns, the Ministries of the Environment, Livestock, NGOs, farmers, breeders, fishermen and experts from the design office exchanged and discussed the survey outcomes before they agreed on the different transhumance corridors surrounding the Pendjari Park, as well as the water points, rest and grazing areas locations and types.
This document will have a "key" role for the sustainable management of the W-Arly-Pendjari complex, and for the improvement of the ecosystem resilience as well as the livelihoods of the populations and users of the region.