AdaptWAP: Validation workshop of the study for the development of transhumance corridors, water points and grazing areas, Burkina Faso 

The National Management Unit of the AdaptWAP project (UGPn) in Burkina Faso organized a validation workshop for the study on the development of transhumance corridors, water points and grazing areas. 

The objective was to identify, in a participatory manner, the appropriate developments to be undertaken, with a strong emphasis on local labor, and to make the infrastructures operational while ensuring their sustainability. 

At the end of the presentation and the validation of the results of the study, the participants formulated recommendations for a better planning and implementation of the development activities aiming at improving the resilience of the ecosystems and the riparian communities of the national parks Arly and W facing the effects of climate change.

This meeting brought together national actors and technical partners of the AdaptWAP project, namely representatives of riparian populations (herders, farmers, fishermen), technical services (Livestock, Environment, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation), NGOs/Associations, local elected officials, managers of the national parks and the concession area of Pama Centre Nord, as well as the UGPn and the team of consultants.

The AdaptWAP project, financed by the Adaptation Fund over a period of 4 years (2020 - 2024), aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and improve the living conditions of the populations of the WAP complex in the face of climate change through the establishment of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System for droughts, floods and fires, and the implementation of concrete adaptation measures to manage these emergencies.