A Sahara and Sahel Observatory delegation, led by Ms. Ndeye Fatou MAR, Land and Biodiversity Department Director, and including Mr. Abina Abdoulkarim Bello, Project Manager and Ms. Leila Bennani, Communication Officer, is paying Conakry, Guinea, a working visit from February 12 to 16, 2024 to support the activities of the Copernicea project.
The mission began with a courtesy visit to H.E.Mrs. Hajja Safiatou DIALLO, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development who expressed her support and interest in the project, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural capital in Guinea and making the commitment to strengthening the OSS actions for a sustainable development in the country.
Ms. Ndeye Fatou MAR highlighted the importance of the OSS-Guinea collaboration, stressing the opportunity for the country to join various projects. Discussions also focused on the relevance of making Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting (ENCA) available for the management of ecosystems in Guinea.
The delegation met with the Secretary General, Dr Karim SAMOURA, and pointed out the ENCA importance and the connection it has with national strategies such as the blue economy and the water economy. Dr LAMOURA restated his support for the Copernicea project and the willingness to provide the data necessary for establishing ecosystem accounts.
The OSS representatives had the opportunity to sit with Mr. Mohamed ALASS, the new focal point of the project at the National Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Observation, to discuss the purpose of the mission and to reinforce the project activities in Guinea.
For the record, Guinea is represented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and is actively taking part in the implementation of the Copernicea project. The project's Technical Unit has already collected the data necessary for the production of the first national accounts of ecosystem natural capital accounting.
The mission placed special emphasis on strengthening the existing results, mobilizing stakeholders and raising awareness among national decision-makers of the ENCA importance for a sustainable development and the preservation of natural capital.