En cours
4 years (2020-2024)
Sustainable Land Management
Resilience of ecosystems
Climate change adaptation
Resilience of the populations
Multi-Risk Early Warning
11,536,200 USD
Technical services of the ministerial departments responsible for the Environment of the three countries
Local communities & authorities at the level of the W, Arly and Pendjari parks
Local professional organizations & Professional women's organizations
Local NGOs
Local civil society
Integration of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in the Consolidated Management of the Transboundary Wap Complex
Shared by Benin, Burkina and Niger, this network of protected areas consists of a number of areas with different status and protection regimes. However, the WAP Complex is subject to multiple pressures and threats, mainly conflicts of use, poaching, overgrazing, agricultural lands expansion, transhumance, bushfires, surface water pollution, climate change and variability, unsustainable fishery and use of wood and non-wood products.
Main objective :
Strengthening the resilience of ecosystems and improving populations’ livelihoods within the WAP Complex in relation with the climate change issue through the establishment of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System (EWS) and the implementation of concrete adaptation measures.
Specific objectives :
- Improving strategic reference documents by integrating the climate change issues
- Increasing the resilience of populations through an EWS
- Improving the resilience of ecosystems and populations’ livelihoods through the development of infrastructure
- Ensuring the sustainability of adaptation measures through the mobilization and awareness-raising of beneficiaries and partners.
- Adaptation Fund - AF
- The General Directorate of Water and Forests - DGEF - Niger
Approval date
July 2019
Launch date
April 2020
The Complex management documents developed and adopted by the WAP Ministerial Council :
- The Climate Change Adaptation Plan and its methodological guide ;
- The technical annexes integrating the adaptation measures in the Development and Management Plans of the W-Arly-Pendjari parks as well as the Development Master Plan of the complex.
Enhancing ecosystem resilience and improving livelihoods of populations:
- Validation by communities and local authorities of the locations of corridors, water points, and grazing areas to be developed by the project;
- Construction of pastoral wells and creation of grazing areas;
- Distribution of irrigation equipment and tools for the conservation and processing of fishery products to local populations;
- Launching microcredits for financing income-generating activities.
Training and capacity building of local stakeholders:
- Development of thematic training modules for trainers in Environmental Education, Climate Change, Sustainable Land Management, Multirisk Early Warning System (MEWS), and disaster management;
- Training of trainers, including teachers and extension technicians;
- Capacity building of fishermen and fishmongers in fishing and fish farming techniques, including local trainers and producers;
- Capacity building of producers in the WAP neighboring villages on agroforestry techniques, small-scale irrigation, reforestation, and assisted natural regeneration (ANR).
Implementation of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System (MR-EWS) - Floods, Drought, and Wildfires