A number of high-level meetings, took place in N’Djamena, Chad between the OSS representative and H.E.Mr. ALIO ABDOULAYE IBRAHIM, Minister of Urban and Rural Hydraulics, H.E.Mr. OUMAR IBN DAOUD, Minister of Agricultural Development, and H.E.Mr. HAMAT AHMAT LAZINA, Minister of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, within the framework of a preparatory mission for the « Improving the resilience of oasis ecosystems of Bar-Elgazel, Borkou, Kanem, Ouaddaï and Grand Ennedi » project.
During these meetings, the Minister of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development expressed his appreciation with this mission that comes to prove the conclusive partnership between his Ministry and the OSS. He recognized that accessing climate finance was a real challenge for his country to contend with climate change and that the support of technical and financial partners, mainly the OSS, was helping Chad overcome such a challenge. As such, the Minister gave credit to the OSS for its efforts to speed up the Oasis Concept Note development process, for submission to the Adaptation Fund in early January 2023.
On the other hand, the Minister of Agricultural Development put the stress on the precarious situation of the oases in Chad and restated his country's support to the project.
Finally, the Minister of Urban and Rural Hydraulics made the commitment to provide the necessary human resources in support of the project development and reaffirmed the government's willingness and interest in further strengthening the partnership with the OSS on projects that aim to improve the resilience of African populations and countries to climate change.