Second national awareness and capacity building workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting (ENCA) under the Copernicea Project - Conakry, August 19-28, 2024.

Second national awareness and capacity building workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting (ENCA) under the Copernicea Project - Conakry, August 19-28, 2024.

Organized by the National Centre for Environmental Observation (NCEO) in collaboration with the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), this workshop brings together representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry, as well as the National Institute of Statistics of Guinea.

Mr. Mohamed Alass SYLLA, Director General of the NCEO and Mrs. Abir BEN ROMDHANE, Project Manager at the OSS kicked-off the workshop, underlining the crucial importance of ENCA in the development of indicators to assess progress in the preservation and enhancement of natural capital.

This meeting is part of the Regional Hub support to the national initiatives in Guinea and aims to raise awareness among national stakeholders on the importance of ENCA tools for valuing and restoring African ecosystems, while strengthening their skills in the production of ecosystem accounts. It also highlights the role of ecosystem accounting as a key indicator of sustainable development and aims to promote its integration into decision-making processes.

Mr. Thierry TAPSOBA, Project Management Officer at the OSS will explain the different stages of developing ecosystem accounts adapted to the Guinean context. From data collection to analysis, through the production of accounts, each aspect will be approached in a practical and interactive manner, allowing the participants to master the ecosystem account development process.

A roadmap will be established with national experts to improve the preliminary results of the ecosystem accounts and define a participatory approach for their production and dissemination. This roadmap will also integrate the national activities for the last year of the Copernicea project.