Policies and procedures
The OSS considers that any form of corruption and fraud jeopardizes the achievement of its mission. This is why, it has adopted a statement of zero tolerance for corruption, fraud, and any other form of wrongdoing and put in place measures to prevent any wrongdoing in its procedures or activities.
Besides, the OSS has a set of policies and procedures for the assessment of environmental, social and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of its interventions and projects within the following framework:
- As a regional implementing entity of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF)
- In compliance with international agreements and standards in the implementation of its projects.
These policies are an integral part of the Environmental and Social Risk Management system (ESRM) and of the OSS project cycle.
- Anti-Fraud Whistleblowing Policy
This policy aims to strengthen the OSS integrity system and to fight against corruption and unacceptable acts. It defines the rules and conditions for investigating allegations of corruption, fraud or any other wrongdoing.
Access the Anti-Fraud Whistleblowing Policy.
- Environmental and Social Policy
This policy describes the OSS applicable principles in the assessment of environmental, social and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of programs and projects.
Access the Environmental and Social policy.
- Gender Policy
This policy reflects the OSS commitment to observing the principles of equality and equity between women and men and marks its commitment to promote social justice, equal opportunities, diversity and fairness in its interventions.
Access the gender policy.
The OSS procedures
The OSS has a set of procedures, rules and practices detailing the processes for applying its policies and operational guidelines.
- Whistleblowing Procedure
This procedure details the OSS process when reviewing cases of fraud, corruption or similar acts, while guaranteeing transparency, independence and diligence.
Access the Whistleblowing Procedure.
- Arbitration procedure
This procedure clarifies the administrative management of cases requiring suspension, reduction or cancellation of funding.
Access the Arbitration Procedure.
- Grant Award Evaluation Procedure
This procedure describes the OSS methodology for the review, evaluation and prioritization of project proposals and funding requests that it receives.
Access the Grant Evaluation Procedure.
- Procurement Rules
This document details the OSS rules applied for the purchase of goods, the implementation of works and the acquisition of services (other than consulting services).
Access the Procurement Rules.
- Consulting and Advice Practices
This document describes the OSS practices to assess the needs of program and project beneficiaries for counseling and advice.
Access the counseling and Advice Practices.
- External communication procedure
This procedure describes the OSS approach for external communication including the grievance mechanism relating to the implementation of its interventions.
Access the External Communication Procedure.
OSS mechanisms
The OSS is committed to ensuring that its projects/programs or activities are implemented in accordance with its environmental, social and gender obligations. Despite all the measures taken by the OSS to avoid and minimize environmental and social risks related to its projects / programs or activities, these could harm people or the environment. In order to mitigate these eventual situations, OSS has put in place a grievance mechanism.
The aim of this grievance mechanism is to provide affected persons by adverse environmental, social and gender impacts and harms resulting from OSS-supported projects/programs or activities, with an accessible, transparent, fair and effective process for the submission and processing of their complaints.
- Who could file a complaint?
Any person or group of people affected (or at risk of being affected) from an environmental, social or gender perspective by OSS supported-project/program or activity may file a complaint.
- How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint, please fill out the complaint form available in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
The Environmental and Social Complaints Handbook provides more details.
Anonymous complaints are not accepted. However, the name of the complainant will be kept confidential if he/she makes an explicit request.
- Where to file a complaint?
Complaints should be transmitted:
By email: doleances@oss.org.tn
By post: Leader Yasser Arafat Boulevard, P. O. Box 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia
In person:
At the project/program executing entity level
OSS Headquarters (Yasser Arafat Leader Boulevard, P. O. Box 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia)
For more information on the OSS grievance mechanism, please refer to the following documents:
Social & Environmental Policy
Environmental and Social Complaints Handbook
Complaints related to cases of fraud or corruption in the OSS supported-projects/programs or activities must be submitted to the external auditor KPMG-BMZ - Tunisia.
Counselling & Advice
As per the Counselling and Advice Procedure of OSS, project beneficiaries and Executing Entities can submit support and support requests through this e-mail address: enquiries.requests@oss.org.tn
Fraud declaration
OSS is committed to observe the highest ethical, moral and legal standards within the organization as well as within its projects, programs and activities, and believes that corruption and fraud are prejudicial to the achievement of its mission.
In order to promote good governance and transparency, the OSS’ External Auditor (Cabinet KPMG-Tunisia) has been appointed by its Executive Board to receive and conduct investigations and ensure the processing of these allegations.
OSS strongly appeals any person with information on cases of wrongdoing to report these facts to Cabinet KPMG-Tunisia. Even if the External Auditor accepts anonymous complaints, it encourages whistleblowers to identify themselves as allegations made anonymously are oftentimes difficult to review and may not fully respond to the complainant’s concerns.
Furthermore, OSS has adopted a whistleblowing policy to protect whistleblowers from reprisals.
- How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint, please fill out the complaint form available in two version : English and French.
- Where to send a complaint?
Complaints should be sent to KPMG-Tunisia:
By email: fmbz@kpmg.com.tn
By fax: + 216 71 194 320
By post: KPMG Building, 6 Rue du Riyal, Les Berges du Lac - 1053, Tunis
In person: Headquarters of KPMG-Tunisia to Mr. Moncef Boussannouga Zammouri (KPMG Building, 6 Rue du Riyal, Les Berges du Lac - 1053, Tunis)
For more information, please refer to the following documents:
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Procedure
Complaints relating to environmental, social or gender grievances due to a project / program or activity implemented or executed by the OSS, must be submitted via the Grievance mechanism.