
 The OSS actively participates in the capacity-building workshop on grievance mechanisms in the context of climate finance, Casablanca, April 14-18, 2024

The OSS actively participates in the capacity-building workshop on grievance mechanisms in the context of climate finance, Casablanca, April 14-18, 2024

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory, represented by Ms. Essia Dziri, Head of the…

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 The OSS participates in the North Africa Sub-Regional Meeting for the Technical Advisory/Technical Experts Committees of AMCOW, April 16th - 17th, 2024

The OSS participates in the North Africa Sub-Regional Meeting for the Technical Advisory/Technical Experts Committees of AMCOW, April 16th - 17th, 2024

The recent Sub-Regional Meeting for North Africa on the Technical Advisory…

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 training of trainers workshop will be held from April 1 to 5, 2024, Grand Lahou, Cote d'Ivoire

training of trainers workshop will be held from April 1 to 5, 2024, Grand Lahou, Cote d'Ivoire

A regional training of trainers workshop will be held from April 1 to 5, 2024, at…

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 Preparatory Consultation Meeting for Africa's Position at the 10th World Water Forum, March 4 – 6, 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

Preparatory Consultation Meeting for Africa's Position at the 10th World Water Forum, March 4 – 6, 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

The participation of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), represented by Ms.…

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 The OSS and DRC in Siwa: exchanges with the communities and solutions to promote

The OSS and DRC in Siwa: exchanges with the communities and solutions to promote

The OSS and DRC teams…

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 An OSS delegation received by Dr. Hosam Shawky, President of the Desert Research Center in Cairo, February, 25th, 2024Egypt

An OSS delegation received by Dr. Hosam Shawky, President of the Desert Research Center in Cairo, February, 25th, 2024Egypt

An OSS delegation, represented by Ms. Khaoula Jaoui, Mr. Steve Muhanji and Mr.…

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 The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is participating in the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum, 5th to 7th, 2024, Tunis

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is participating in the 5th Mediterranean Water Forum, 5th to 7th, 2024, Tunis

This morning, the forum began its proceedings under the theme "Together for…

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 Official side event at COP28, from incubation to financing for adaptation: accelerating the development of Water and Climate projects

Official side event at COP28, from incubation to financing for adaptation: accelerating the development of Water and Climate projects

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) organized, on December 11, 2023, a side-…

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 COP28UAE - "De l’incubation au financement de l’adaptation : accélérer le développement des projets Eau & Climat”, le 11 décembre 2023 au: SE Room 5

COP28UAE - "De l’incubation au financement de l’adaptation : accélérer le développement des projets Eau & Climat”, le 11 décembre 2023 au: SE Room 5

L’Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel organise un side event intitulé “De l’…

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 December 10, 2023 A Catalyst for Building Community Resilience to Climate Change in Uganda through a Catchment Integrated Water Resources Management side event.

December 10, 2023 A Catalyst for Building Community Resilience to Climate Change in Uganda through a Catchment Integrated Water Resources Management side event.

A Catalyst for Building Community Resilience to Climate Change in Uganda through…

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 COP28UAE  - 10 décembre 2023, de 13h30 à 14h30 au Pavillon de la Francophonie - « De l’approche projet à l’approche programme, quel plaidoyer pour les décideurs ? »

COP28UAE - 10 décembre 2023, de 13h30 à 14h30 au Pavillon de la Francophonie - « De l’approche projet à l’approche programme, quel plaidoyer pour les décideurs ? »

Rejoignez-nous au Pavillon de la Francophonie pour participer à notre Side-Event…

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 COP28UAE, "Healthy Soils for Land and Climate", UNCCD, CSFD, IRD and CIRAD Side-Event, December 5, 2023

COP28UAE, "Healthy Soils for Land and Climate", UNCCD, CSFD, IRD and CIRAD Side-Event, December 5, 2023

Healthy soils contribute to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)

Soils stand…

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