GMES&Africa | The OSS/North Africa Consortium takes part in the 1st meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts (CTE), June 20 – 22, 2022, Tunis (Tunisia).
The GMES&Africa OSS/North Africa Consortium technical coordination team took part in the first meeting of the Committee of Technical Experts of the program.
The meeting brought together the key parnters, key players of the Copernicus project and the stakeholders involved in the technical implementation of the program, namely the European Commission, DEFIS, INTAP, EUMETSAT, ESA, JRC.
The eight consortia made a contribution to the meeting, with a view to promoting Earth Observation technologies and data, for the sustainable management of water, land, coastal and marine resources.
Following the presentations, questions/answers and discussion panels of the technical sessions, the participants brought to light the needs of data access and sharing in African institutions. They also defined a roadmap supported with deliverables, milestones and timetables.
The GMES&Africa - OSS/North Africa Consortium team stressed the need for strengthening the dialogue between the European Commission partners (JRC, Copernicus, ESA, EUMETSAT, etc.).
The OSS restated its commitment to the use and promotion of Copernicus data and explained the importance of capacity building for a better exploitation of the new version of the JRC eStation.
Besides, the OSS expressed the interest of the GMES&Africa - OSS/North Africa Consortium in having a good command over the JRC Cloud Computing platform, in response to the needs of end users.