At the heart of the environmental challenges impacting the natural resources of the W-Arly-Pendjari complex, shared by Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger, a dynamic initiative has taken root in the municipality of Falmey, on the outskirts of W Niger Park. This targeted activity aims to empower women through sustainable agricultural practices, with the goal of enhancing local production while strengthening community resilience against the challenges of climate change.
Supported by the AdaptWAP project, this endeavor provided high-quality agricultural materials, selected seeds, and the establishment and fencing of five vegetable farming sites (each covering one hectare) to five village-based women's groups in December 2023. The direct involvement of women in this initiative aims to have a significant impact on their livelihoods while promoting a sustainable approach to food production.
The W Niger Park, surrounding the municipality of Falmey, is the stage for this ambitious initiative. Women market gardeners, members of producer groups, are at the core of this supportive action, a crucial component of the AdaptWAP project. The key to success lies in enhancing their skills in vegetable production, with the hope of optimizing yields and diversifying crops.
At the end of this process, women market gardeners have gained enhanced skills in nursery management, transplanting vegetable species, protecting crops, and producing compost and biopesticides. These newly acquired skills will enable them to operate more independently and sustainably.
The impact of this action, integrated into the AdaptWAP project, extends beyond the improvement of the livelihoods of the involved women. It will contribute to local food security and create a sustainable model for similar initiatives. In the spirit of adapting to climate change, this action serves as a beacon, paving the way towards resilient and equitable agriculture.