Tenkodogo and its surroundings located in the province of Boulgou in the center-east of the country, hosted a training of trainers on the techniques of fishing, processing and conservation of fishery products, conducted by the Burkina Faso component of the Adapt-WAP project for the benefit of fishermen's groups and women fishmongers as well as the technical services concerned of the communes bordering the W and Arly parks.
This training, organized by OFINAP, the national implementation unit of the project in Burkina Faso, aims at strengthening the capacity of the local communities concerned on the good practices of sustainable management of fisheries resources and to improve their livelihoods.
This first phase of training of trainers, both theoretical and practical, has equipped 14 fishermen with sustainable fishing and fish farming techniques as well as 15 women who process fishery products. The latter are called upon to transmit this knowledge to other actors in their respective communities. This training constitutes a lever on which the AdaptWAP project relies to increase awareness among the populations of the WAP complex area on sustainable fishing and the preservation of fishery resources as well as on related income generating activities.
The project "Integration of climate change adaptation measures in the concerted management of the W-Arly-Pendjari Transboundary Complex (AdaptWAP)" is financed by the Adaptation Fund. It is implemented and executed at the regional level by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS). Its main objective is to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and improve the livelihoods of populations within the network of protected areas shared by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger, the W-Arly-Pendjari Complex (WAP) in relation to the issue of climate change through the establishment of a Multi-Risk Early Warning System (SAP-MR) and the implementation of concrete adaptation measures.