UNCCD COP15 : OSS side-event on “Strengthening reporting systems to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality : Potential of geospatial tools”, May 16, 2022, Abidjan

The side-event that took place as part of COP15 being held in Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire, was co-chaired by Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, OSS Executive Secretary and Mr. Khalid Cherki, President of the African Group of Negotiators on the fight against desertification (GAN).
Mrs. Ndeye Fatou Mar, OSS Land Department Coordinator, moderated this event.
During their speeches, the OSS and GAN representatives, emphasized the role of regional institutions and the importance of their support to countries in order to strengthen their reporting systems in terms of land degradation.
Indeed, this event highlighted the importance of Earth Observation data for monitoring land degradation and their contribution to providing decision-makers and populations with relevant information on the state of the resources. It also aimed to alert the stakeholders involved in the land degradation data reporting, identification and analysis process and to have their capacities built.
It is worth recalling that through these programs and projects implemented in the Circum-Saharan region, the OSS is having a key role in the development of Earth Observation data and services. These initiatives include the development of cost-effective processes and tools for assessing land degradation in the region.

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