
 International Conference - "The ecosystems, key tool for the development of the African continent" - June 8, 9 & 10, Tunis

International Conference - "The ecosystems, key tool for the development of the African continent" - June 8, 9 & 10, Tunis

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) is taking the celebration of its 30 years…

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 Documentary book “African ecosystems, between degradation and restoration”

Documentary book “African ecosystems, between degradation and restoration”

Documentary book “African ecosystems, between degradation and restoration”. …

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 Webinar on “Africa and the European spatial data: for a greener future and sustainable economic growth” - May 31, 2022.

Webinar on “Africa and the European spatial data: for a greener future and sustainable economic growth” - May 31, 2022.

The OSS took its participation in the Webinar on "Africa and the European spatial…

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 NWSAS consultation mechanism: National Information Workshop on the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Tunis, May 31, 2022

NWSAS consultation mechanism: National Information Workshop on the North Western Sahara Aquifer System Tunis, May 31, 2022

As part of its information and awareness-raising…

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 Start of the training and awareness-raising workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting | May 24 - 26, 2022 in Rabat, Morocco

Start of the training and awareness-raising workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting | May 24 - 26, 2022 in Rabat, Morocco

Start of the training and awareness-raising workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital…

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 The GGW : dream or fantasy, we must bring it to life

The GGW : dream or fantasy, we must bring it to life

The Great Green Wall Initiative is one of the most important pan-African programs…

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 The OSS participation in the Adaptation Fund Side Event on accessing SLM financing - May 17, 2022 - RIO Pavilion - MET 15

The OSS participation in the Adaptation Fund Side Event on accessing SLM financing - May 17, 2022 - RIO Pavilion - MET 15

This side-event was held under the theme 'Enhancing…

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 The OSS, CILSS, WRI and BothEnds co-organize a side event on « Monitoring Tree Cover and Enhancing Decision Making Tools Across Africa’s Great Green Wall », May 18, 2022, RIO Pavilion

The OSS, CILSS, WRI and BothEnds co-organize a side event on « Monitoring Tree Cover and Enhancing Decision Making Tools Across Africa’s Great Green Wall », May 18, 2022, RIO Pavilion

The OSS took this event that was held on the occasion of COP15, to restate its…

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 The OSS attends the African Union side event on «  Inter- regional engagement to inform unified policy making in sustainable land management, restoration and the Great Green Wall Initiative in the dry lands.», Rio Pavilion, 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.  May 18, 20

The OSS attends the African Union side event on « Inter- regional engagement to inform unified policy making in sustainable land management, restoration and the Great Green Wall Initiative in the dry lands.», Rio Pavilion, 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. May 18, 20

This event brought together experts, international development officials and…

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  A group of students in Celle, Germany for the Master Class on “Sustainable Management of the Water Resources in the Maghreb”, May 7 - 14, 2022

A group of students in Celle, Germany for the Master Class on “Sustainable Management of the Water Resources in the Maghreb”, May 7 - 14, 2022

As part of the activities of the "Regional Cooperation…

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 UNCCD COP15 : OSS side-event on “Strengthening reporting systems to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality : Potential of geospatial tools”, May 16, 2022, Abidjan

UNCCD COP15 : OSS side-event on “Strengthening reporting systems to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality : Potential of geospatial tools”, May 16, 2022, Abidjan

The side-event that took place as part of COP15 being…

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 UNCCD COP15 : The OSS takes part in the Adaptation Fund side-event on accessing SLM funding, May 17, 2022, RIO Pavilion-MET 15

UNCCD COP15 : The OSS takes part in the Adaptation Fund side-event on accessing SLM funding, May 17, 2022, RIO Pavilion-MET 15

The OSS, was represented by its Executive Secretary,…

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