Information workshop on Climate Finance, March 21, 2024. Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia
This workshop, led by Ms. Khaoula Jaoui, OSS Climate Department Director and Mr. Ghazi Gader, Project Manager at the OSS and chaired by Ms. Sihem Oueslati, Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, was initiated by the General Directorate of Water Resources and brought together Directors General and decision-makers from the BPEH, the DGRE, DGBGTH, DGACTA, DGF, DGFIOP, SECADENORD and SONEDE.
After the discussions they had, the participants took note of the Climate Finance developments at the global level and better understood the requirements and methods for accessing climate funds in order to further support the ongoing initiatives and projects.
The meeting also made it possible to address a number of issues on how to mobilize Climate Funds. Exchanges between the OSS, SECADENORD and SONEDE should proceed within the framework of bilateral technical meetings in order to support them in developing requests to the UNFCCC financing mechanisms.