The Great Green Wall | A Development Programme for the Sahara and the Sahel: Projects monitoring and evaluation approach based on geospatial applications

Author: OSS

Published in: 2016


Theme: Environmental monitoring and biodiversity

Type: Plaidoyer

ISBN: 978-9973-856-98-2


The Great Green Wall | A Development Programme for the Sahara and the Sahel: Projects monitoring and evaluation approach based on geospatial applications

"The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) is a Tunis-based international intergovernmental organization created in 1992. 

OSS specializes in environmental monitoring and natural resources management and operates in Africa’s Sahel-Sahara region. The main themes around which is structured the OSS work reflectthe major challenges faced by the region, including: land degradation, drought and impacts of climate change on ecosystems and populations."