As part of its participation at COP15, the OSS organized, on Thursday, May 12, 2022, and in collaboration with CARI, a side event under the theme "Desertif'actions - agroecological solutions to inspire transition", at the 'Africa Pavilion' from 09 :00 a.m. to 10 :30 a.m.
During this event, discussions focused on the Desertif’actions dynamic, as well as the solutions that agroecology can provide in terms of neutrality, drought, food security, ecosystem restoration, climate change, biodiversity and the implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative.
With the presence of Mr. Patrice Burger, President of CARI and Mr. Marcos Montoiro of the UNCCD, Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra emphasized the originality and relevance of the process which brings together i) the UNCCD, UN Institution, ii) the OSS, International-scope and African vocation technical organization working on Sustainable Land Management and iii) CARI, representing the civil society, with the aim of taking into consideration the needs and concerns of the populations and field actors in the strategies and initiatives.
Mrs. Ndeye Fatou MAR, OSS Land Department Coordinator, took the floor to explain the process and present the main results of Desertif'actions.
As part of its support to this international dynamic of the civil society involved in the fight against desertification, the OSS elaborated a report summary for the 17 national workshops that took place at the beginning of the year and which made it possible to provide clarifications and recommendations on the potential benefits of agroecology. The OSS has also prepared, in collaboration with the CARI, English and French thematic factsheets, highlighting the positive contribution of agroecology and addressing the different expectations of the populations.
The importance of the civil society and the evolution of its role in intergovernmental meetings and COPs were also emphasized.