A venir
4 years (2024-2028)
Concerted management of the Mono River Basin
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
Land degradation
Risks of pollution and flooding
5,000,000 USD
Government structures in charge of water resources management
Local populations of the Mono Basin
Scientific community
Regional Initiative for Water and Environment in the Mono Basin - IREE-MONO
The transboundary Mono River Basin, shared between Togo and Benin, faces various pressures such as soil degradation, deforestation, and pollution. These actions harm terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, leading to decreased land productivity and increased risks of floods and droughts. Population growth and climate change exacerbate these pressures, affecting energy production, agriculture, fishing, livestock, and the local economy.
Effective management requires cross-border coordination, as actions in one part of the basin impact other areas. A coherent institutional framework, from local to regional levels, will facilitate coordination and inclusive development of the basin.
The main objective of the project is to ensure the sustainable development and ecological resilience of the Mono River Basin through strengthening governance and capacity for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), participatory planning by communities, and enhanced cooperation between Benin and Togo.
- Fonds pour l’Environnement Mondial - FEM
- Global Water Partnership West Africa - GWP/WA
- Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature - UICN
Expected Results:
- Assessing the threats and the ecological and economic potential of the Mono basin. Integrated and coordinated planning of their management.
- Integrating pilot actions to promote appropriate use of the basin resources, the economic development as well as environmental the protection and adaptation and resilience of the population to climate change.
- Building the technical and institutional capacities of the MBA and main partners in order to conduct water and soil conservation actions, as well as the restoration and protection of the Mono basin ecosystems.
- Improving the governance and cooperation framework of the Mono basin to address water challenges and reduce trans-boundary flood risks.
- Improving knowledge management for a better project implementation.
- Informing and involving the project stakeholders.