En cours
5 years (2024-2028)
Farmers resilience to climate change
Preservation of biodiversity and Mangrove restoration
Agriculture livelihood
Water management system
9 955 000 USD
Farming communities of the north-west regions of Cacheu and Oio
Women: 70% of the 82,450 direct beneficiaries
Adaptation of agricultural production systems in Coastal Areas of Northwest Guinea-Bissau - APICA-GNB
Agriculture is the primary socio-economic activity in Guinea Bissau with a GDP contribution of more than 50% and employing more than 80% of the active population.
Climate change trends and projections show a rise in temperature, an increase of rainfall variability and a rise in the sea level that will mainly affect coastal areas and impacts its agricultural output.
In the low-laying areas of the north-west regions of Cacheu and Oio, the increase of the mean sea level and decrease of rainfall amounts lead to excessive saline soils bordering the rivers, where rice fields are located in associated mangrove swamps. Furthermore, increasing rainfall variability puts farming communities at even greater risk as they highly depend on natural resources.
The main objective of APICA-GNB is to strengthen agriculture livelihood resilience to climate change for the most vulnerable populations of the Cacheu and Oio regions in the north-western part of Guinea-Bissau.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Developing the technical and institutional capacity of government and civil society,
- Adapting the water management system to climate risks in coastal areas
- Building farming communities’ resilience to climate change.
Expected Results of APICA-GNB project:
- Capacities and knowledge on climate risks are strengthened
- Water Management System at community level improved and adapted to climate change resilience
- Rice farmers capacities in Mangrove areas are enhanced to address climate change threats.
- Green Climate Fund - GCF
- Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo - ADPP Guinée Bissau
Official kick-off of the APICA-GNB project, February 6, 2024 - Guinea Bissau
First supervision mission and second Steering Committee Meeting, February 1st to 8th, 2025
The beginning of 2024 was dedicated to structuring and preparing the implementation of the project, with an emphasis on capacity building and stakeholder involvement, both at the national and local levels.
The construction plans for the Community Climate Centers (CCCs) have been developed and submitted.