The OSS, CILSS, WRI and BothEnds co-organize a side event on « Monitoring Tree Cover and Enhancing Decision Making Tools Across Africa’s Great Green Wall », May 18, 2022, RIO Pavilion

The OSS took this event that was held on the occasion of COP15, to restate its full involvement in the GGW Initiative as well as its endeavor to improve decision-making tools.

Indeed, Mrs. Ndeye Fatou Mar, OSS Land Department Coordinator, and Mr. Louis Evence Zoungrana, OSS GIS & RS Expert and Project Manager, provided more details on the OSS contribution, with the support of CILSS and IUCN, in setting up a regional geo-portal and a Monitoring-Evaluation platform, to ensure a coordinated monitoring of natural resources (land, water, vegetation).

The OSS representatives explained the need for a more advanced Decision Support System (DSS), which would foster an integrated monitoring of the most important resources for the local communities in the Great Green Wall region.

Let us remind that the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel is the flagship initiative of the African Union to combat climate change and desertification in Africa.

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