Africa Land: The degradation and the absolute requirement of sustainable managementa

Author: Sahara and Sahel Observatory

Published in: 2024


Theme: land management

Type: Atlas

ISBN: 978-9938-933-45-1


The accelerating land degradation in Africa is compromising the economic and social development of the countries and food security of a growing population. It is the result of multiple causes including climate change which brings extreme phenomena such as droughts  and flooding.

In addition, it is aggravated by anthropogenic factors,  such as agricultural practices, urban pressures, pollution, deforestation  and overexploitation of natural resources. According to the United  Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 90% of land  will bear the mark of Man by 2050.

This documentary book, produced on a bibliographic basis and  mobilizing regional and international expertise, provides an overview of  the factors and the state of land degradation in Africa, using a kit of  indicators developed according to the methodology recommended by  the UNCCD, namely land use change, primary productivity and soil  organic carbon stock. It also presents internationally recognized  prevention and rehabilitation tools that are relevant to the African  continent. 

Stakeholders in charge of or working on sustainable land management  and the implementation of rehabilitation initiatives and prevention  measures can find some of the answers they seek in this book.