The OSS pays tribute to the late Dr. Marc Bied CHARRETON.

The man who never missed a chance to quote Danton with his famous: “ Dare, dare again, always dare ! “, has just passed away.

Today, the OSS, joining maturity and experience to daring, loses one of its founding fathers. The Organization has, thus, the duty to keep in memory all men and women who built it, Dr. CHARRETON in the first place.

Not only did the man lead the OSS from the very first start, he was always there supporting every step of evolution and development, chairing its Strategic Orientation Committee and bringing his valuable scientific contribution to topics he always cherished and that are key components of the Organization's action and mission.

All those who knew, worked and made a piece of road with Dr. Marc, remember his exceptional human and professional qualities.

Dr. CHARRETON is gone on the first days of May, quite confident that the OSS is on the right path and proud of the work he has accomplished.
May he rest in peace.


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