Enhancing the Use of Earth Observation in the National Agricultural Strategy November 20, 2024, Tunis – Tunisia

A workshop dedicated to showcasing Earth Observation-based tools and services was held today, bringing together His Excellency Mr. Ezzedine Ben Cheikh, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Fisheries (MARHP), Mr. Hamadi Habaieb, Secretary of State at MARHP, Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), Mr. Sinan Bacha, Director at the National Center for Cartography and Remote Sensing (CNCT), along with senior officials involved in natural resource management, particularly in the water sector.

Organized by the General Directorate of Water Resources (DGRE), with the support of CNCT and OSS, this event aimed to highlight the tools and services developed by the GMES North Africa Consortium. These solutions are designed to support decision-making and promote the sustainable management of natural resources in Tunisia.

Speakers unanimously emphasized the importance of leveraging Earth Observation-based products and services to enhance the resilience and efficiency of agricultural and water management systems. The GMES & Africa project was praised for providing operational tools, notably the SAQIYA mobile application, presented as an innovative solution. This application supports agricultural stakeholders in managing irrigation and optimizing water consumption.

At the conclusion of the discussions, a roadmap was developed, outlining key actions such as integrating the SAQIYA application into agricultural campaigns, strengthening the skills of MARHP staff and its partners through targeted training programs, and providing technical support to encourage the use of the developed tools.