The Sahara and Sahel Observatory took part in the restitution and closing workshop of the activities carried out in Morocco under the « Regional Cooperation for a Sustainable Management of the Water Resources in the Maghreb - CREM project / BGR Module ».
Mr. Abdelhamid ASLIKH, Acting Director of the Souss Massa Water Basin Agency, Mr. Mohamedou BABA SY, OSS representative, Mr. Fabian STOFFNER, BGR representative and Mr. Slaheddine OUNISSI, BPEH representative (Tunisia), opened the works of the workshop.
The meeting gave the opportunity to restitute the project results, to understand and adopt the decision-making tools developed under the project, in particular the Chtouka aquifer marine intrusion model.
The participants discussed the importance of consolidating and improving the project achievements, the need to come up with recommendations to keep up with the project momentum, and the possibilities for boosting the exchange of experiences between the countries in the field of sustainable management of water resources.
The CREM project / BGR Module is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the OSS in partnership with the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. This project was launched in 2014 and comes to end in 2022. It made it possible to build the sustainable management of water resources capacities of specialized institutions and to provide partner countries with updated data and improved methods for groundwater management.