En cours
5,5 years (2020-2026)
Disaster Risk Reduction
Early Warning Systems
Resilience to climate change
Adaptation to climate change
13,079,540 USD
Smallholder farmers and pastoralists
Local communities
Civil society (NGOs, CBOs)
Private sector
Strengthening Drought Resilience for Small Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region - DRESS-EA
Drought is one of the main natural hazards affecting people's livelihoods and socio-economic development in the IGAD region, especially smallholder farmers and pastoralists.
The frequency of periods of rainfall deficit hitting the region since the 1980s has increased. Nevertheless, the region's natural resources represent a major asset for the local populations whose livelihoods are mainly based on agriculture, livestock, forest resources, water, wetlands, etc.
The main objective of the project is to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists to climate change risks especially those related to drought, through the establishment of appropriate early warning systems and the implementation of drought adaptation actions in the IGAD region.
Specific objectives :
- Developing and promoting regional investments in drought early warning systems (EWSs) and improving the existing ones
- Strengthening and improving the capacity of key stakeholders in drought risk management at regional, national and local levels
- Facilitating smallholder farmers and pastoralists’ inputs to undertake innovative adaptation actions that reinforce their resilience to drought
- Enhancing knowledge management and information sharing on drought resilience at the aforementioned levels.
Expected results :
- Strengthening the effective use of the early warning system by the stakeholders
- Improving the resilience of key operators and partnerships for drought management at regional, national and local levels
- Promoting the use of concrete and innovative drought adaptation tools
- Strengthening knowledge and awareness of drought risk management
- Adaptation Fund - AF
- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and the Sea Responsible for Hydraulic Resources - Djibouti
Approval date
October 2019
Launch date
October 2020
- Surface and groundwater studies to a better understanding of the state of these resources and updating available data.
- Update of management plans containing proposals for sustainable management actions
- Development of drought management plans at the national level as well as emergency response plans
- Strengthening monitoring networks and collecting meteorological data: 3 agrometeorological stations were installed in Djibouti, integrated into national networks
- Strengthening resilience of 70 households
- Creation of 7 cooperatives active in the craft, agriculture and livestock sectors, as well as fifteen (15) mutual funds or microcredit structures with the support of the Ministry of Women and Family.