National training workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting, October 30-November 3, 2023, Dakar - Senegal
Decision-makers and environment and ecosystem accounting experts met in Dakar as part of the Copernicea project to take part in the national training workshop on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting. Co-organized by the Centre de Suivi Écologique (CSE) and the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), this meeting aims to raise awareness among national stakeholders on the importance and usefulness of ENCA tools for the valuation of African ecosystems and to build their capacities to produce and finetune Senegal's ecosystem accounts.
The opening was given by Ms. Marième DIALLO, Technical Director at CSE and Ms. Ndeye Fatou MAR, Land Department Coordinator at the OSS, who highlighted the importance of ENCA tools for the valuation and restoration of African ecosystems.
A session moderated by Mr. Thierry TAPSOBA, OSS Environmental Expert, was dedicated to the introduction of the Copernicea regional platform http://copernicea.oss-online.org:8090/. It made it possible to review its different functionalities, with a view to ensuring a proper ownership by the partners.
Furthermore, an update will be made on the progress of planned activities and a roadmap will be developed in consultation with national experts. This approach will make it possible to improve the first results of the ecosystem accounts and to come up with a participatory approach for their production and dissemination for the benefit of different users.