OSS concludes the final stage of the second AdaptWAP supervision mission in Niger, June 2022

The last stage of the second supervision mission of the AdaptWAP project was conducted from 22 to 24 June 2022 in Niamey, Niger. During its stay, the delegation led by Mr. Ghazi GADER, Senior Project Manager at OSS, who was accompanied by Mr. Aziz BELHAMRA and Mr. Youssef KRAIEM, respectively Project Management Officer and Financial Officer, worked in close collaboration with the team of the National Project Management Unit, headed by Mr. Ibrahim MADOUGOU, Project Coordinator for the Niger component. The work focused on the implementation status of the procurement plan established for year 2, the functioning of the national executing entity, the review of financial documents and reports, the technical and planning aspects of the activities and the proposal of an action plan for the project implementation third year.

Courtesy visits were also made to the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Desertification Control, Mr. Ibro ADAMOU, and to the Director General of Water and Forests, Mr. Yacouba SEYBOU. Discussions focused on the constraints that hinder the proper implementation of the project activities, particularly security related ones, and on the importance to use the opportunity of the mid-term evaluation to put forward the required adjustments to achieve the project's objectives and expected results, while taking into account the current context in the project's intervention zone.