National Stakeholder Consultation Workshop for the Development of the “Reversing the degradation trend in the oases of Borkou, Ennedi West and Wadi-Fira through strengthened adaptation and improved resilience to climate change of vulnerable communities” project document.
A National Stakeholder Consultation Workshop took place on Thursday, February 22, 2024, in the conference room of the Fisheries Department, with the aim of discussing the project elaboration process. This event was full of achievements and brought together fifty key players from sector ministries, the private sector and the civil society.
The event made it possible to give a detailed presentation of the project history, the milestones already achieved, the next steps and details of the project concept note which was approved by the Adaptation Fund Executive Board, as well as the donor's requirements for the project document development last phase.
Exchange and discussion sessions were also convened and allowed the participants to share their concerns and expectations from this initiative. Several points were raised, including the need to take into account the UNESCO World Heritage in the development of the project, as well as local environmental challenges such as the degradation of oases and the loss of biodiversity as well as land tenure aspects.
The participants were split into working groups to discuss different technical issues such as the documentation needed to support the project development process, national laws and regulations to be considered, as well as recommendations for carrying out the studies and conducting consultation missions.
After lively debates and fruitful collaboration, the workshop was closed by the Director General of the Environment, welcoming the efforts of all participants and emphasizing the importance of this meeting.